Taxonomy - Category Wise Question And Answer Practice Test With Solutions


Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

Question : 11 [RAS/RTS (Pre) 1999]

A hydrophyte is

a) An aquatic plant

b) A plant disease

c) A marine animal

d) A rootless plant

Answer: (a)

Question : 12 [UPPCS (Mains) 2008]

Mushroom used in for making juicy vegetable is a

a) Algae

b) Green vegetable

c) Fungus

d) Flesh of animal

Answer: (c)

Question : 13 [IAS (Pre) 2002]

In a bisexual flower, if androecium and gynoecium mature at different times, the phenomenon is known as

a) Herkogamy

b) Heterogamy

c) Dichogamy

d) Monogamy

Answer: (c)

Question : 14 [RAS/RTS (Pre) 2008]

Which one of the following groups of organisms has significant in diagnosing the death by drowning?

a) Protozoa

b) Cyanobacteria

c) Lichens

d) Diatoms

Answer: (d)

Question : 15 [UP (Pre) 2013]

Consider the following statements.

  1. Weeping jelly is due to an excess of acid.
  2. Biofertilizer most suited to sugarcane are Rhizobium.
  3. Plants grown in salt water are called thallophytes.
  4. Dormancy breaking hormone is cytokinin.
Which of these statements are correct?

a) Only 2 and 3

b) Only 3 and 4

c) Only 1 and 2

d) Only 4 and 1

Answer: (d)


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1717 taxonomy based general science mcq set 1 question answer with explanation pdf
General Science Mcq CATEGORIES